We are delighted to share the story of Lola, a remarkable breeding dame who temporarily joined us from our friends at Miss Kay's Danes. Lola has graced our whelping area with her presence to deliver her very first litter, and she has proven to be an exceptional mother from the start.

Lola's journey as a new mom has been nothing short of amazing. Her natural maternal instincts, combined with her impeccable training, have shone through as she navigates the joys and challenges of motherhood. She is attentive, nurturing, and protective, providing her puppies with the utmost care and affection.

Her loving nature extends beyond her litter; Lola is a sociable and affectionate soul who will generously offer love and cuddles to anyone at any time. Her friendly disposition makes her a joy to be around, and it's evident that she has been raised with care and dedication, embodying all the amazing qualities that Miss Kay's Danes stands for.

Remarkably, Lola's gentle temperament allows her to interact harmoniously with other animals. In an extraordinary display of her open-hearted and accepting character, she even welcomes the company of cats around her precious newborns. This rare and endearing quality highlights her exceptional socialization and the trust she places in those around her.

As a well-trained Great Dane, Lola exhibits obedience and grace, making her an ideal companion both in and out of the breeding context. Her ability to balance her duties as a mother with her friendly interactions with people and pets alike is a testament to her wonderful nature.

Lola's contribution to the world of Great Danes is already significant through her current litter, which will no doubt inherit her fantastic traits. It is an honor to have Lola with us during this special time, and we are excited to witness the bright future her puppies will have, thanks to her outstanding lineage and the care provided by Miss Kay's Danes.